GT GORSKO, Medribnik 27, SI-2282 Cirkulane

+386 31 811 297


The development of prefabricated modular hemp houses

The companies Cogreen doo and GT Gorsko continue the development of new products and improvements, where at the end of the financial year we start with a positive decision from SPIRIT Slovenia, a public agency. The two companies were successful in the allocation of European funds for the development of the product: "Ecological panel made of hemp concrete for sustainable prefabricated construction". The project includes both the development of wooden prefabricated structural elements and modules as well as mixtures of hemp BIO composite - HEMP CONCRETE exclusively for this purpose. The aim of the development of the new product is to bring energy efficient, health and environmentally friendly construction closer to a larger target group of people through the optimization of the time required for construction compared to conventional construction methods with BIO composite hemp concrete. Also, with the development of new construction technologies, we pursue the goal of optimizing energy, resources, and costs compared to traditional methods.

Our first goal of the six-month period will be to develop structural solutions with details consistent with the standards of panel systems for wooden structures, and to harmonize the solutions with hemp concrete construction technology. It will also be necessary to take into account adaptations to architectural guidelines and set dimensions accordingly, statically check the design and follow the greatest possible standardization of the technological solution for all structural elements.

The project lasts 24 months, i.e. from November 2023 to November 2025. The total value of the development activities of the project is estimated at EUR 500,000, co-financing amounts to EUR 300,000. The investment is part of the measures of the Slovenian Recovery and Resilience Plan. "Funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU".

The public tender is carried out in accordance with the NOO, which is the basis for the use of available funds from the Recovery and Resilience Fund. The public tender is placed in the NOO in the 3rd development area: "Smart sustainable and inclusive growth", in component 1: "RRI - research, development and innovation", in the framework of investment B: "Co-financing of research and innovation projects in support of the green transition and digitization ".
The purpose of the public tender is to promote research and development activities in consortia of companies within the framework of research and development projects in the field of green transition for the development of new or improved products, processes or services.
The aim of the public tender is to contribute to the green transition, to increasing investments in research and development, increasing productivity (including material and energy productivity) and competitiveness of the economy.
The subject of the public tender is, in accordance with the NOO, the co-financing of the implementation of RRI projects of consortia of companies aimed at the green transition and the circular economy. RRI projects will be technologically neutral in terms of impact on the environment, at the level of their use. The project goal of each RRI project must be a new or improved product, process or service, developed to the point where it is validated in its final form and suitable for use in a real environment. The latter means the use of the product, process or service in their final form and under the intended conditions of operational use.
